Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Rounders match - children v adults

A very competitive rounders match took place after school between parents, staff and children.  Year 6 were full of confidence following their success at the cluster tournament.  A torrential down pour of rain stopped play after only 25 minutes, it ceased sufficiently to commence play but by the end there were a lot of bedraggled looking players! The game was closely fought but ended up with a win for the adults. 

                               Final result: Year 6 11 rounders, Adults 13 rounders.

                                            .   Well done everyone!

Adults waiting to bat...

Mr Santy whacks the ball...

...but is caught out by superb Year 6 fielding!

The game was good fun, despite the weather.

1 comment:

  1. Had a great time it was great to see all the children and adults having a fantastic time together, well done all xx
